Minecraft Miner Day
Join us on August 26th, 2023, from 1:00 to 3:00 for our first Minecraft Day at the library since the pandemic! This is supervised group play on the library's Minecraft server. We'll have computers with library Minecraft accounts available for anybody without a Minecraft account but want to explore the game. If you already have a Java-based Minecraft account, you can easily log in and play with others using your own character.
But wait, there's more! Now, for the first time, you can also bring in your iPad, Switch or Android devices to join our Minecraft server for group play. That's right, you don't need to have a Java-based account to play on our server while in the library. It's best to come in early to get setup for this access. You'll need to download a free app to get it all working, which we'll help you with.
We'll have staff and volunteers to answer any questions and supervise appropriate play. Parents are encouraged to work alongside their young miners if they want to learn more about the game.
When: Saturday, August 26th: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Where: In the library (library will be otherwise closed at 1:00 to the general public)